Wedding Photographer Edinburgh

Scotland remains a land where history meets legends. Rolling hills are verdant and mesmerizing. Big castles paint tales of long fallen Lords and Ladies. Its deep lakes hide ancient secrets and its charming settlements remind of the past. However, there are few places in Scotland lovelier than Edinburgh. Lively nights in historical streets and museums full of lore and legend beckon travelers to visit them. Quirky nooks of all kinds enchant imagination and demand discovery. Famous worldwide, the city is also the perfect destination for an Edinburgh wedding. However, finding a wedding photographer Edinburgh might be tricky.

When one thinks of Scotland, they hear Scottish bagpipes and see rolling hills. When one thinks of Edinburgh they imagine a vibrant historical city with dazzling castles. These lands of old are the perfect setting for a wedding. However, their beauty can eclipse the event if you do not have the aid of a great wedding photographer Scotland. Here, I offer my services. My name is Rares Ion. I am a wedding storyteller from Transylvania. My career spans a wide variety of weddings and locations. I have captured the marriage vows of many religious faiths and multicultural couples. This marks me as the perfect wedding photographer Edinburgh.

Wedding Photographer Edinburgh

Wedding Photography In Edinburgh

As a wedding storyteller, I aim to immortalize your story for decades to come. I use a minimalist style, aided only by ambient light. In this way I can capture the special moments of a wedding day. The laughter, the tears, the joy, the jokes and the little mishaps. They will remain forever frozen in time and you will be able to revisit them when you are old and grey. Your Scottish wedding will be an event to remember fondly no matter how much time has passed. 

If I have convinced you I am the perfect wedding photographer Edinburgh for you, do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to your messages.